Thursday, June 27, 2013

The NFL or Obama Care: You Can’t Have Both

Roger Goodell, Commissioner
National Football League (NFL) 

Dear Commissioner Goodell:

If it’s true that the National Football League (NFL) will promote Obama Care through Public Service Announcements (PSAs); then be assured I will say goodbye to the NFL.

Like many Americans, the NFL is my pastime. I’m 68 years old, and can recall Green Bay Packer games on the radio, Ray Scott on television in the 50’s -60’s, Vince Lombardi, Packers v. Lions on Thanksgiving Day, more recently the magic of Brett Favre, and most importantly sitting next to my father watching the games. During all that time, what I don’t recall is the NFL promoting a political agenda. If you go down that road you will lose me, and I believe many other Americans just like me.

Sport, and particularly our national pastime, must always be above politics. Monday through Saturday our Nation may be divided, but on Sunday that is put aside, whether Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, libertarian or socialist, we are all fans. That’s the purpose of sport, that’s the beauty of sport, and that’s the integrity of sport.

Do you really want to further divide our Nation? Do you really want to kill the golden goose?  Do you not understand America?

Well do you?

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