Friday, August 29, 2008

"Yours Is Not To Wonder Why"

Sir, reference is made to The Financial Times' page one article, "West tells Russia to keep out of Ukraine," August 28, 2008. Mr. David Miliband, UK foreign secretary posited, "There can be no going back on fundamental principles of territorial integrity, democratic governance and international law."

Then, how does he explain NATO's 1999 military campaign against Serbia in Kosovo? He says that it's not the same. Still, the claims by NATO and the western media of "genocide" and "crimes against humanity" were false. Moreover, the war was carried out without U.N. sanction. The Americans and Europeans via NATO made a political decision backed by its military might at the time. The U.N. Resolution (1244) negotiated to end the war, guaranteed Serbian interests and sovereignty in Kosovo. Yet, in February 2008, Mr. Milibrand supported the Albanian Kosovars' declaration of Independence from Serbia -- a clear violation of international law, a UN Resolution, and the principle of national sovereignty forged out of the horror of World War II.

So, would George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, David Miliband, et al, please shut up! As leaders of western democracies "theirs is not to wonder why"-- theirs is to know. The crisis in Georgia was a direct result of American and European actions in Kosovo (Serbia). You are not right. And today, more importantly, you are not might.

Therefore, I pose to you this question: Did you really like the first Crimean War? Do we really need a sequel? So honor the Light Brigade and remember, "Some one had blunder'd...Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred."

In the last analysis, we do not need another war masked by pretense.