Monday, May 26, 2014

Where It’s At: Perspective for Memorial Day

Don’t look now, but here is where it’s at.

We’ve had two Democrats and a Bush,
And the Soviet Union is back.

What to do, what to do,
How did we get so screwed?

We’ve had two Democrats and a Bush,
And the Soviet Union is back.

Journalism is dead.
We have a biased and pathologically stupid mainstream media.
Journalism is no longer a profession,
It’s been bought and sold for cheap.
It sucks up to power, only to be insulted.
It has become a puppet, a toady, a lackey.
It accepts lies and condescension,
As a child in search of praise.
Journalism is no longer a profession,
It has no ethics.
Journalism is dead.

We’ve had two Democrats and a Bush,
And the Soviet Union is back.

How could it happen so fast?

We’ve had two Democrats and a Bush,
We’ve had a Christopher, an Albright, a Rice, a Clinton, and a Kerry.

Someone tell the media, Obama needs to know.

The Soviet Union is back.

L.S. Schneiderman