Saturday, December 17, 2016

Schrödinger's Cat: Trump’s State and National Security Appointments

All I know about Rex Tillerson, President-Elect Donald Trump’s announced appointment for Secretary of State for the United States of America, is what I have recently read. Which is to say, I have no basis for a critical opinion. However, I do know a great deal of whom has been the United States Secretary of State in the last twenty-four (24) years. And, it has been an embarrassment.

The misfeasance of the past 24 years of American Diplomacy and National Security has not been by CEOs and Conservative Generals, but Washington Insiders. You know, “the best and the brightest,” the people who know what they’re doing, the smartest guys in the room, and the sharpest knifes in the drawer. But, they were not!

It is not surprising, that the left-wing political elites, pundits, and mendacious Main Stream Media, are hyperventilating over Mr. Trump’s appointments. They know that they are no longer in control. “Oh the horror!”

The world today is perilously endangered. William J. Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama, have been President. Their State Department and National Security teams have been, by in large, incompetent and pathologically stupid. We’ve had a Christopher, an Albright, a Powell, a Rice, a Clinton, and a Kerry. That begs the question, who has been educating these people, at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Georgetown, Columbia, Dartmouth, and Denver University?

Briefly, US foreign policy failures under Obama, Clinton, and Kerry are instructive:

1.    Barack Obama tells Vladimir Putin "there will be costs" if Russia invades Ukraine. What does Mr. Putin do with full support of the Russian parliament? He invades the Ukraine.
2.    Barack Obama tells Assad in Syria not to cross his red line. Chemical weapons are used in Syria (by someone), and what does Mr. Obama do? He makes more feckless speeches. As Obama leaves office, he leaves President-Elect Donald Trump a humanitarian catastrophe in Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, and an immigration fiasco.
3.    Barack Obama tells Iran to stop enriching uranium grade material. What does Iran do -- continues enriching. Mr. Obama then lifts sanctions (that were working); signs a “secret” agreement without congressional consent, or even allowing Congress to see the document; and then airlifts $400 million in cash and 1.3 Billion in direct money transfers, for the release of 4 American hostages!
4.    In Venezuela, there are riots in the streets, people stand in line for hours for a loaf of bread, and the authoritarian socialist government of the want-to-be dictator Nicolas Maduro, murders them in the streets. And Barack Obama does and says nothing.
5.    Muslims through out the Middle East, Africa, and Asia murder Christians, just because they are Christians. What say you Mr. Obama? The man says nothing. In fact, the man and Mrs. Clinton, officially support the Muslim Brotherhood, who is responsible for many atrocities against Egyptian Coptic Christians.
6.    Benghazi Libya, on September 11, 2012, Obama and Clinton put Americans in harm's way and left them to die; when it interfered with their political agenda (2012 Presidential Election). More despicable, the Obama Administration deep-six requests for military support that had a high probability of saving the life of her Ambassador and the men who tried to save him. They then lied and destroyed evidence to cover up their acts.
7.    The Libyan Revolution began in February 15, 2011, and ended on October 20, 2011, with the capture and killing of Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, who had ruled Libya since a bloodless military coup in 1969. The revolution would not have succeeded without the direct military involvement of the United States, England, and France. In short, Libya is a foreign policy failure. We removed a secular dictator, who had renounced terrorism and a nuclear weapons program, to give birth to an Islamic terrorist nation, that also has created an immigration catastrophe in Europe.

Please don’t misunderstand. Barack Obama did show the world where he stands. He has reduced the U.S. Military to its lowest level since before WWII. He announced he would remove all U.S. combat troops from Afghanistan, but as usual, did not follow through on what he said. Then, when embarrassed by his perpetual foreign policy failures, he sent Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Kerry to the Middle East to beat up on our allies in Israel and Egypt.

America has had enough. The 2016 Election is proof. We have had it with Mr. Obama’s and Mrs. Clinton's and Mr. Kerry’s deceitful, pathetic, apologetic, naïve, and schizophrenic foreign policy. And, we had it with Mr. Bush and Ms. Rice’s foolishly naive foreign policy, and mismanaged military campaigns restricted by absurd rules of engagement. If you go to war – you go to war. Moreover, trying to build a nation while conducting a war is a fool's errand. 

As Victor David Hanson posits, “The chief complaint about Trump's appointments is that too many generals will mean too great a likelihood of war. Historical evidence points to the opposite conclusion. Generals were not the proverbial "best and brightest" who argued for military intervention in Vietnam, the invasion of Iraq in 2003, or the bombing of Libya in 2011,” to name a few.

Professor Hanson further opined, “Traditionally, retired generals and flag officers have no desire to see their own troops killed in what they see as optional wars abroad. Their occasional harangues about building up military power are predicated on notions of peace-through-strength deterrence: The more powerful the military is perceived abroad, the less likely it will be need to be used.” 

Not one more American needs to die to implement the failed policies of incompetent leadership. Their records of failures are not individual acts of misjudgments, but repeated acts of institutional incompetence that manifest itself in indefensible ignorance. Again, who has been educating these people, at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Georgetown, Columbia, Dartmouth, and Denver University?

In conclusion, let’s rejoice that the next US Secretary of State will not be a celebrity, establishment darling, or motivated by political correctness. We need competence. We need an adult. American foreign policy has been in weak hands for the past 24 years.

And, let’s rejoice that the next Secretary of Defense is someone who understands the deadly seriousness of his job, the defense of the American people, and the welfare of our troops, and not politically correct "bullshit," that destroys moral and jeopardize the safety of our men and women in uniform.

Rex Tillerson and The Generals’ appointments to State, Defense, Homeland Security, and Intelligence, are like Schrödinger's cat; we wouldn’t know if they were successful until they are on the job. 

Personally, I think the cat is very much alive!

Friday, October 21, 2016

The United States of Russia

The Main Stream Media (MSM) is in a twitter as to why Donald Trump, Republican candidate for President, will not pledge that he will accept the results of the upcoming United States (US) presidential election on November 8th.[1]

This is only the latest talking point that has bedeviled the MSM in the past months leading up to the election. Accusations against Mr. Trump include: sexual indiscretions, of which none were alleged at the time and some go back 25 years; not releasing his income tax returns; he’s a racist; he’s a fascist; he is unfit to be president. Well you get the picture. It’s all about “Trump’s character.” What about the skeletons in Mrs. Clinton’s closet?[2] That doesn’t seem to be of interest to the MSM.

Elections do have consequences; there should be no debate of that.  I would posit, that in the almost eight years of the Obama Administration, the United States has become Russia. And, under a H.R. Clinton Administration, we are “promised” at least four more years of this radical transformation.

Here is a description of Russia from Dr. Karen Dawisha’s book, Putin’s Kleptocracy, published September 30, 2014:

Russia today as a “mafia state” ruled by “an interlocking network of associations and clan-based politics centered on Putin, which serves the purpose of “strengthening Putin’s hold on power, silencing critics, and maximizing . . . economic benefits. This network is hierarchical and far- reaching, consisting of politicians at all levels (including high-level ministers), intelligence and security officials, businessmen, prominent companies, state-owned enterprises, and organized criminal elements.”

Professor Dawisha further posits, “Corruption lubricates the activity of this system as it is the basis for upward mobility in Russia, and the reward of access to illicit wealth in exchange for loyalty is what allows this network to expand and grow.

Now insert Obama or Clinton’s name for Putin; and United States for Russia; and tell me this is not a description of what is going on in the United States today.

There is a sophisticated network of corruption in the United States, which is an essential part of the Liberal / Progressive playbook. Corruption of our educational institutions from Head Start to Colleges and Universities, Federal, State, and Local government employees, Election Commissions, Judiciary; all made possible by a bias, complacent, and corrupt Main Stream Media.[3]

It has been suggested that democracies must attack these corrupt practices and make their governing institutions inhospitable to corruption by making transparency and openness key elements of government. This is naïve.

There is a strongly held and valid perception today that institutions such as the Justice Departments; the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); the US Judiciary in the guise of liberal / progressive justices who ignore the law to further a politically correct / social justice agenda;[4] that are to protect democracies have been compromised and no longer conduct themselves under the rule of law.

In the United States, under the Obama Administration, political considerations obstruct corruption investigations because the implicated culprits extended to the highest levels of government. Mr. Obama’s Justice Department has obstructed and refused to investigate cases involving the IRS, Benghazi, Clinton’s private email servers, Clinton Foundation scandals, and systematic voter fraud, et al. Moreover, as media ownership becomes more concentrated and political; and media environments become greatly restricted; investigative journalism—an essential element of openness and transparency—disappears.

In the last analysis, it is not Putin and Russia that the United States should be worried about – it is our self![5]

[1] The fact that both Hillary Clinton and Al Gore do not accept the results of the 2000 election seems not to matter to the MSM.
[2] Mrs. Clinton email improprieties; conflict of interest that enriches her and her family i.e., Clinton Foundation scandals; Mrs. Clinton's record of failures, e.g., Libya, Muslim Brotherhood, Iraq, ISIS, Russian Reset, Iran Deal, Crimea and Eastern Ukraine; violations of federal protocols; serially lied about Benghazi; Wall Street speaking fees and her refusal to release her speeches; approving as Secretary of State the sale to “Russia” of one-half of the US uranium supplies.
[3] In reality, is there any appreciable difference between reporting in the New York Times and Pravda?
[4] Undeniably, judges and prosecutors are also susceptible to corruption, degrading the ability of Congress to conduct investigations and prosecute offenses, and thus insulating corrupt government officials from prosecution. The US Department of Justice has refused to enforce Congressional contempt charges, allowing officials to often go unpunished, and their corrupt practices to continue unabated. 
[5]Reference to Walt Kelly, political cartoonist, Pogo: “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Friday, October 14, 2016

The NFL Boycott: It’s Real!

Sure, were told that the historically low National Football League (NFL) TV ratings for the first five (5) weeks of the 2016 Regular Season has nothing to do with a boycott.* It's the election, stupid!

The fact that a Rasmussen Poll found one-third (33%) of the country is boycotting the NFL is not important, according to NFL executives, Messrs. Brian Rolapp and Howard Katz, in a letter to NFL team owners recently.  The purpose of the letter was to inform owners that the low ratings were likely due to an “unprecedented interest in the Presidential election.”

The NFL executives also posited that there are multiple factors for the low ratings, but see no evidence that it is a result of some players not standing for the national anthem and other disrespectful gestures to our nation and its’ institutions.

If I'm a billionaire owner of an NFL team and Goodell’s underlings tell me that disgracing Flag and Country, has nothing to do with the atrocious ratings for the first 5 weeks of the season, I would be extremely insulted.

In other words Mr. Goodell, "don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.”

What is left unsaid is that today there is a fracture between the NFL and society, as it pertains to social issues. Any social issue will by definition have both supporters and opposition. Accordingly, if you take up a cause, especially one that is in opposition to strongly held beliefs in society; you risk offending a large number people.

It is only incredible arrogance that can explain the NFL's Commissioner Roger Goodell refusal to understand what is happening here. America wants to be entertained. Sport, is in part, a value to release the pressure of everyday annoyances in society. And today we have more than we need.

It is important to understand, there is no free speech all the time – everywhere. There is no free speech in your house; ask your mother. And there is no legal right to free speech or expression at work. Employers such as the NFL, are generally free to restrict employee speech, at least while they are at work.

The NFL must cease and desist their shameful politically correct / social justice agenda. A simple apology is not sufficient. There is a place for social protest, but a sporting event is not that place. The NFL may delude themselves and refuse to acknowledge the boycott, and refuse to connect the dots. But the boycott is real, and the low ratings will persist.

Are you listening Jerry?

And one other thing, Mr. Goodell, your fired!

* The only NFL broadcast I watch is my home team, period. And, I’m not coming back until this is put right.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


The consequences of limiting your circle of advisers to a small, relatively inexperienced coterie, with no creditable foreign policy experience, and a dubious record for wisdom, can prove disastrous.

The world should be very concerned what Mr. Obama may do in Syria. Mr. Obama had 5 years to deal with the Syrian Civil War. The "Syrian Revolution" (Civil War) began on March 15, 2011, and continues to this day. 

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on March 27, 2011, that ‘the U.S. would not intervene militarily in Syria as it did in Libya,’ and drew a distinction between Libya's Muammar Qaddafi and Syria's Bashar Assad. The latter, she explained, is seen as “a reformer.” Yet, today, she says she wants his head. This is not foreign policy – this is schizophrenia. 

The significance of this for the United States and the free world is the failure of Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton, to understand what the hell is going on out there.

Tumult and upheaval are sweeping the world. The world is on fire! Yet, on July 20, 2016, Mr. Obama said at the White House Summit on Global Development that “we are living in the most peaceful” era in human history and that “the world has never been less violent.” Incongruity doesn't begin to describe the intellectual bankruptcy and insult of such delusional drivel. 

Mr Obama's and Mrs. Clinton's record of failures, e.g., Libya, Muslim Brotherhood, Iraq, ISIS, Russian Reset, Iran Deal, Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, are not individual acts of misjudgments, but repeated acts of institutional incompetence that manifest itself in indefensible ignorance.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Never Never Trump: Foolish and Naïve

“Because something is happening here but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones (Bush)?”

Bob Dylan, Ballad Of A Thin Man

Every American needs to read, Victor Davis Hanson’s, September 20, 2016 essay, Never Never Trump ( It is simply brilliant!

If you still can’t decide why you should support and vote for Trump in this 2016 Presidential Election, this essay will leave you without doubt. For those who do not wish to read the whole essay, here are some of the salient passages (the footnotes are mine):

"The media have devolved into a weird Ministry of Truth. News seems defined now as what information is necessary to release to arrive at correct views.  

Republicans — were reinvented, by the Media, as caricatures of Potterville scoundrels right out of a Frank Capra movie.

Then came along the Trump, the seducer of the Right when the Republican establishment was busy early on coronating Jeb Bush.

Hillary would rely on the old Obama team of progressive hit men in the public-employee unions, the news ministries, the pajama-boy bloggers, the race industry, and the open-borders lobbies to brand Trump supporters as racist, sexist, misogynist, Islamophobic, nativist, homophobic. The shades of Obama’s old white reprehensible “Clingers” would spring back to life as “The Deplorables.”

Yet for all Hillary’s hundreds of millions of corporate dollars[1] and legions of Clinton Foundation strategists, she could never quite shake Trump, who at 70 seemed more like a frenzied 55.

Trump’s Jacksonian populism and foreign policy.[2]

All that news buzz is sandwiched by almost hourly reports of hacked e-mails, Clinton Foundation scandals, and violations of federal protocols — drip, drip, drip disclosures with more promised on the horizon. Some wondered, why did not Hillary just come clean and end the psychodramas? But that is like asking blue jays to become songbirds.

Ask the ambidextrous and once iconic Colin Powell.

Trump planned a simple enough strategy of an outraged outsider not nibbling, but blasting away, at political correctness, reminding audiences that he was not a traditional conservative, but certainly more conservative than Hillary, and a roguish celebrity billionaire with a propensity to talk with, not down to, the lower middle classes. The more Trump grew unnaturally calmer, he became somewhat presentable, and the more he did, the more a flummoxed Hillary returned to her natural shrillness — and likewise became less viable.

But the proper question is a reductionist “compared to what?” Never Trumpers assume that the latest insincerely packaged Trump is less conservative than the latest incarnation of an insincere Clinton on matters of border enforcement, military spending, tax and regulation reform, abortion, school choice, and cabinet and Supreme Court appointments. That is simply not a sustainable proposition.

Is Trump uncooked all that much more odious than the sautéed orneriness of the present incumbent, who has variously insulted the Special Olympics, racially stereotyped at will, resorted to braggadocio laced with violent rhetoric, racially hyped ongoing criminal trials, serially lied about ObamaCare and Benghazi, ridiculed the grandmother who scrimped to send him to a private prep school, oversaw government corruption from the IRS to the VA to the GSA, and has grown the national debt in a fashion never before envisioned? Trump on occasion did not recognize the “nuclear triad,” but then he probably does not say “corpse men” either or believe we added 57 states.

Did the scandals and divisiveness of the last eight years ever prompt in 2012 a Democratic #NeverObama walkout or a 2016 progressive “not in my name” disowning of Obama? Are there 50 former Democratic foreign-policy veterans who cannot stomach Hillary’s prevarications and what she has done to national security, and therefore will sign a letter of principled non-support? Did socialist idealist and self-appointed ethicist Bernie Sanders play a Ted Cruz, John Kasich, or Jeb Bush, and plead that Hillary’s Wall Street and pay-for-play grifting was so antithetical to his share-the-wealth fantasies that he would stay home?

Replying in kind to a Gold Star Muslim family or attacking a Mexican-American judge who is a member of a La Raza legal group is, of course, stupid and crass, but perhaps not as stupid as Hillary, before a Manhattan crowd of millionaires, writing off a quarter of America as deplorable, not American, and reprobate racists and bigots.

As for Trump’s bombast, I wish there was an accepted and consistent standard of political discourse by which to censure his past insensitiveness and worse, but there has not been one for some time. Examine, for example, the level of racial invective used in the past by Hillary Clinton (“working, hard-working Americans, white Americans”), Harry Reid (“light-skinned African American with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one”), Joe Biden (“first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”), or Barack Obama (his own grandmother became a “typical white person”), and it’s hard to make the argument that Trump’s vocabulary marks a new low, especially given that few if any liberals bothered much about the racist tripe of their own. Trump so far has not appeared in linguistic blackface to patronize and mock the intelligence of an African-American audience with a 30-second, manufactured, and bad Southern accent in the manner of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.

Outsourcing and off shoring did not make the U.S more competitive, at least for most Americans outside of Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Boutique corporate multiculturalism was always driven by profits while undermining the rare American idea of e pluribus unum assimilation — as the canny multimillionaires like Colin Kaepernick and Beyoncé grasped.

It may be discomforting for some conservatives to vote for the Republican party’s duly nominated candidate ... but it is now becoming suicidal not to."

[1] Reference John Ellis “Jeb” Bush’s Republican presidential primary race, where he spent 130 Million and won 2% of the vote in his home state of Florida, 2.75% of the total Republican primary votes cast, and 4 delegates. It would seem that it will take more than $’s to buy an election in 2016.
[2] The basic tenets of a Jacksonian foreign policy are the following: The US is different from the rest of the world, and therefore the US should not try to remake the world in its own image; The US must ensure its honor abroad by abiding by its commitments and maintaining its standing with its allies; The US must take action to defend its interests; The US must fight to win or not fight at all; And, the US should only respect those foes that fight by the same rules as the US does.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Racism In America: It's Different This Time

Headlines of the last week include: the editor of Ebony magazine believes that killing white people is not a hate crime; black Baton Rouge police killer was a member of “Nation of Islam; Milwaukee cop ambushed while sitting in police car by black assailant; ‘Black Lives Matter’ organizer Ashleigh Shackelford shouts that white people aren’t welcome at BLM rallies, and should just hand over “reparations” to black people; and all this just happen over the weekend (July 15 – 17, 2016). And, Obama gives another lecture. 

"So, with white homicides at a 25 year low, and black homicides  at a all time high, mostly confined to the urban ghettos where young black men kill other young black men, (Obama says) we need new gun laws to restrict what white people can own?" (Zero Hedge, July 17, 2016 4:31 PM)

Someone needs to open a window and get the stink out of here!

I am a white male, born and raised in the United States of America. I have interacted with black people my entire life, and, not always as a majority. It was the summer of 1969. I was the only white player on a fast-pitch softball team, the Metropolitan Mets, in Harlem (132nd and Lenox Ave). The manager was a black man and I respected him. We drank in bars after the games when I was the only white face. I didn’t have a problem with my teammates and they didn’t have a problem with me. Since Obama became President, I don’t know if this experience is still possible.  

The point is this, I am not a racist, and I never have been. Moreover, I have nothing, nothing, to apologize (for). 

As a young boy and into adulthood, I had to work for everything that came to me. So did most of the people I knew. Growing up in Milwaukee, my friends and I were the ones discriminated against. There were places we did not go because we were Jewish. My family could not live in certain parts of Milwaukee and its suburbs because we were Jewish. We had fights, mostly with Catholics, because we were Jewish. 

The point I want you to remember is this: we didn't care! We looked to ourselves to make things right. We had our own organizations, clubs, hospitals, businesses, neighborhoods, etc. We (the vast majority) worked hard in school. We went to college or into business and we became something. There was no welfare, no affirmative action, no reparations, and no special anything. We had to compete, and where others did not want us -- we made our own way. America gave us the opportunity and we took it. And, we were happy!

There is no question that some white people are racist. But, and this is important, it has been my experience in recent years that more black people hate whites than the other way around. Look around you, blacks are everywhere: in government, in military (not new), in academia, in entertainment, in media, and yes in sports. Should I "demand" that there are more white professional athletes in professional sports? That there be a quota -- ridiculous of course. But, that is exactly what is going on in our feckless politically correct society. 

On Friday, July 15, 2016, throughout America, blacks have called for "a day of rage." They’re anger? Is that a fact? They have no idea the anger that is building up in this country. It can't and wouldn't continue like this for much longer. Continuation of this absurd, imbecilic, institutionalized recrimination and discrimination against whites and the police will boil over.

I say again, 'Open up the window an’ let this foul air out.'

The rule of law only can work when there is respect for our institutions and equal treatment under it. These last 8 years, under Obama, has seen the destruction of that construct.

I regret I must be the bearer of these ill tidings. But I am a father, and I have a responsibility to impart my beliefs to my daughter. Today, more than ever, you must take care of yourself and your children.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Brussels: Fighting Islamic Terrorism

‘the first obligation of the tolerant man
is to be intolerant to intolerance.’
George Santayana

Some terrorism experts will say ‘any successful counter to terrorism can’t be carried out by security forces.’ It must be carried out by intelligence services. Or we just have to accept it. I do not agree.

The problems and important questions are many, the following are some:

1. The problem is that terrorism, by its nature, gives out limited signals -- it can be carried out by very few people.

2. How do you find the terrorists? To the extent they can be found, it requires an intrusion into society.

3. Some would say, profiling doesn’t work. Well, I disagree. Here’s a personnel example. In 1997, coming out of Bosnia where I was working and returning to the United States, with a connection through Zurich, Switzerland -- I was profiled! The fact that I was coming out of the Balkans brought greater than normal scrutiny. I was taken to a second security official and asked a number of questions. Once the agent was satisfied, I was allowed to board the aircraft (Delta). I did not have a problem with this. In fact, I was pleased that the Swiss authorities were doing their due diligence to ensure my safety and the safety of the other passengers. I believe Americans do not have a problem with intrusion into their privacy – if it is reasonable to do so. That means profiling and other strategies. It does not mean random security checks. An intelligent watchful society doesn't do random. 

4. What would work best is inside intelligence. But, that is exceptionally difficult -- but not impossible. Ask the Israelis. What would also need to be in place is a network of outside intelligence, i.e., the Islamic Community and others who interact with it.

5. Finally, if you can’t name the enemy, than you can’t defeat the enemy. I would proffer, that the next Conservative Republican President request from Congress a declaration of war on ISIS and Islamic terrorism both foreign and domestic. A declaration of war will provide the legal defense for what needs to be done. However, I would never suggest that we give Mr. Obama or Mrs. Clinton this authority!

While the fight against Islamic Terrorism both foreign and domestic is complex, it is not unwinnable. The problem under the Bush and Obama Administrations is that we do not try to win. 

What has not been done (especially under the Obama Administration) is the destruction of Islamic Terrorist where they live (Iraq, Syria, Libya). Not 15 sorties a day, but massive air attacks with troop deployment as needed. The mission must be the total destruction of the “terrorist’s state” and Islamic terrorism everywhere we find it in the free world. There will be blood, and some of it will be innocent, but there is innocent civilian blood being spilled now.

It should also be noted, that success will require intelligent diplomatic solutions in the aftermath. This is again where the Bush and Obama Administration have failed horribly. The invasion and subsequent “surge” in Iraq were military victories, but the mission failed because the diplomatic aftermath was naïve and foolish. There were and are solutions, for example: ( 

After the enemy (yes, this is a war) is destroyed, the remaining imbedded terrorist can be dealt (with). This will require a different strategy, but it is doable. We have the technology and ability -- we haven’t had the will. 

Americans and free people all over the world have a right to expect their elected representatives will protect them.