Friday, October 14, 2016

The NFL Boycott: It’s Real!

Sure, were told that the historically low National Football League (NFL) TV ratings for the first five (5) weeks of the 2016 Regular Season has nothing to do with a boycott.* It's the election, stupid!

The fact that a Rasmussen Poll found one-third (33%) of the country is boycotting the NFL is not important, according to NFL executives, Messrs. Brian Rolapp and Howard Katz, in a letter to NFL team owners recently.  The purpose of the letter was to inform owners that the low ratings were likely due to an “unprecedented interest in the Presidential election.”

The NFL executives also posited that there are multiple factors for the low ratings, but see no evidence that it is a result of some players not standing for the national anthem and other disrespectful gestures to our nation and its’ institutions.

If I'm a billionaire owner of an NFL team and Goodell’s underlings tell me that disgracing Flag and Country, has nothing to do with the atrocious ratings for the first 5 weeks of the season, I would be extremely insulted.

In other words Mr. Goodell, "don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.”

What is left unsaid is that today there is a fracture between the NFL and society, as it pertains to social issues. Any social issue will by definition have both supporters and opposition. Accordingly, if you take up a cause, especially one that is in opposition to strongly held beliefs in society; you risk offending a large number people.

It is only incredible arrogance that can explain the NFL's Commissioner Roger Goodell refusal to understand what is happening here. America wants to be entertained. Sport, is in part, a value to release the pressure of everyday annoyances in society. And today we have more than we need.

It is important to understand, there is no free speech all the time – everywhere. There is no free speech in your house; ask your mother. And there is no legal right to free speech or expression at work. Employers such as the NFL, are generally free to restrict employee speech, at least while they are at work.

The NFL must cease and desist their shameful politically correct / social justice agenda. A simple apology is not sufficient. There is a place for social protest, but a sporting event is not that place. The NFL may delude themselves and refuse to acknowledge the boycott, and refuse to connect the dots. But the boycott is real, and the low ratings will persist.

Are you listening Jerry?

And one other thing, Mr. Goodell, your fired!

* The only NFL broadcast I watch is my home team, period. And, I’m not coming back until this is put right.

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