Don't you understand, what I'm trying to say?
Can't you feel the fears that I'm feeling today?
Take a look around you, boy, it's bound to scare you, boy
And you tell me over and over and over again my friend
Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction
Bob Dylan / P.F. Sloan
Eve Of Destruction (1965)
It has taken a while for America’s oblivious Main Stream Media (MSM) to begin to comprehend that bringing in millions of undocumented aliens to boost the Democratic voter roles may not be as great an idea as once thought when it also brings in communicable diseases.
The Biden Administration is running Obama’s playbook for the destruction of a free America. One ruled not by laws but by tyrants; both the bureaucratic and judicial types.
Opening up the southern border to communicable diseases, Mexican Drug Cartels, and Islamic Jihadists hasn’t deterred the Biden Administration and Democratic members of Congress. So now Mr. Biden permits and dare I say encourages, the introduction of communicable diseases, to the United States and the North American Continent without deterrence.
The CDC, it should be noted, was originally an agency within the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS). The USPHS was founded in 1798. Its earliest mission was the care of sick and disabled seamen in USPHS-established hospitals. But more significantly to the matter at hand, in 1878, the USPHS mission was expanded to take on control of infectious diseases, including quarantine, which previously had been a state function. As immigration increased, in the late 19th century, the USPHS took on the responsibility.
Yet today, millions of illegal immigrants cross our borders without even a cursory examination of their medical condition. I guess the Biden Administration did not get the memo on who is responsible in this county to evaluate and if necessary quarantine and deny admission to an individual for communicable diseases. That was not meant as a joke.
Finally, we are lectured that the American public should be compassionate with these people who only want to improve their lives for themselves and their children. Well, we have we heard that “compassion” thing a lot these past 3 years. Nevertheless, why has the Biden Administration turned a blind eye to U.S. Code, Section 34.3 of 42 CFR Part 34[1]? Should not Mr. Biden be concerned that thousands of illegal immigrants are coming across our borders with infectious diseases such as drug-resistant tuberculosis; COVID-19; hepatitis A and B; sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) - gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, trichomoniasis, chlamydia; mumps; chickenpox; dengue fever; etc.
However, these diseases are not just confined to border states, as illegal aliens are systematically dispersed across the nation, it becomes a potentially perilous danger for the entire nation.
Still, the Powers To Be tells us not to worry. The United States Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Institute of Health (NIH), The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); et al, will be there to ensure our safety. Never mind that just in the recent past, the NIH, CDC, and NIAID:
1. Mishandled live anthrax;
2. Misplaced live smallpox;
3. Mislabeled influenza virus that had been cross-contaminated
with the highly deadly H5NI strain of bird flu.
4. Destroyed America’s confidence in its ability to fight infectious diseases in its handling of the COVID-19 virus.
5. Destroyed America’s confidence in effective vaccines.
If you think this is the worst that can happen - think again. Throughout history, mankind has been devastated by a pathogen commonly referred to as the “Plague." Infected with the pathogen Yersinia pestis, a disease vector will transmit to another living organism (people), and once infected, humans will transfer the disease to other humans. For example, in Simon Sebag Montefiore’s history, The World, he notes that “the plague had killed 30,000 people in the first year of James I’s reign (1603 to 1625), and 40,000 in 1625, ... then kllled 100,000 Britons out of a population of 5.2 million in the summer of 1665.” Another example in Montefiore’s history is that “in 1720, the plague’s last European wave killed 90,000 out of 150,000 people in Marseilles.”
However, it should be noted that, today you can bypass the vector and create the bacilli and virus in a lab.[2]
These examples are left to history, however, there is always history yet to be written. We can take nothing for granted. Our government has a duty to protect the American people from all enemies, including the threat to literally the health of our Nation.
The pandemic potential of this moronic and inept decision to allow unfettered illegal immigration into our country by the Biden Administration should alarm any rational person. And who stands between a catastrophic pandemic and us? Indeed, a politically correct DEI Dr. Rachel Levine, aka Richard Levine, the Assistant Secretary for Health at the US Department of Health and Human Services, the first openly transgender four-star officer across the nation’s eight uniformed services; the NIH; the NIAID; the CDC; and the Biden Administration.
The salient question is this. Can a nation survive the pathological and pathetic leadership we have today in the United States? The question is rhetorical. No. Not unless there is a change in government.
[1] This provision provides specific screening and testing requirements for diseases that meet the definition of a communicable disease of public health significance.
[2] COVID-19: Made In China
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