Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Mueller Inquisition

Enough is quite enough!

An investigation of a deceit is ipso facto a deceit.

Can one be guilty of collusion and/or obstruction of a deceit?

In other words, can one be guilty of something that never happen?

We have had previous special prosecutor investigations that were unsatisfactory, and in at least one case egregious, e.g. Lewis “Scooter” Libby.

The United States Deputy Attorney General, Ron Jay Rosenstein, is responsible for Mr. Mueller’s appointment as a Special Prosecutor to investigate President Trump and his associates for illicit dealings with Russia in connection with the 2016 Presidential Election. The investigation is premised on journalist’s reports from anonymous sources and a bogus international report.

“What the hell is going on out there?”

Although the Executive Branch made Mr. Mueller’s appointment, and should Mr. Rosenstein not see fit to correct his foolish mistake in appointing a special prosecutor and Mr. Mueller, then the Republican Congress must immediately terminate his appointment as Special Prosecutor. Moreover, Mr. Mueller’s associations with principles in this case, and his recent staff appointments of persons hostile to President Trump and his Administration, immediately disqualifies him as an impartial functionary.

It needs to be said, that the Obama Administration refused to appoint “a single” special prosecutor during its eight years in office, even though there was no paucity of real scandals needing investigation.

The following are serious scandals not investigated by the Obama Administration and which no Special Prosecutors were appointed:  Operation “Fast and Furious;” Benghazi terrorist attack and cover-up; IRS targeting of conservative entities; Department of Justice seizing records of journalists; NSA surveillance of ordinary Americans; Iran Nuclear Deal; Ransom payments to Iran for release of hostages; Bowe Bergdahl prisoner exchange; Hillary Clinton's email scandal; Clinton Foundation scandal; The VA death-list scandal; Solyndra green energy scandal; Administration Officials Lying to Congress; Voter Fraud in 2008, 2012 and 2016 Elections; Russia Hacking White House Computers in 2014; Clinton Champaign coordinating with DOJ and the Attorney General Loretta Lynch; US Taxpayers Funding Iran Military; et cetera.

The fact that the same people in the Mainstream Media who were colluding and coddling with the Clinton campaign cannot see a scandal in the Obama administration does not mean that no scandals were there. It should be obvious that the vast majority of Americans do not care what the Mainstream Media say or write. Point in fact, the Election of 2016! But we do care that our vote in that election has consequences!

In summation, I cannot think of another time in recent American history that we need government (Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary) to meet its responsibilities to the American people, and get on with the business of government to deal soberly with the myriad of problems facing our nation such as healthcare repeal and reform, tax reform, President Trumps executive and judicial appointments, infrastructure, et cetera.

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