Friday, March 7, 2014

Plan X For The Ukraine: A Game Changer

Written on March 4-5, 2014

Now that the Russian President Vladimir Putin has gotten his way in the Crimea and the Ukraine, thanks in no small measure to the bumbling bureaucrats in Brussels, and the naïve amateurs in America. What to do?

There is a game changing action Mr. Obama and the United States could set in motion that, in my view, would have a profound impact on American security and foreign policy, and global stability. Its impact will be felt worldwide.

Operation Game Changer is proprietary. It is a bold plan of action. So I would hold out little hope that the Obama Administration would give it a green light.

As for other options, there is nothing this administration and its allies have but excuses. American military action in the Ukraine, with Mr. Obama as Commander in Chief, is off the table. We’re spread to thin. NATO intervention requiring support of European capitals – never happen. Besides, Ukraine is not a member of NATO, so no Charter obligation. Economic sanctions sure, but the other side can play that game too. In fact, the crisis has increased energy prices that will compensate Russia in lost revenue from other sources. Other sanctions such as visas, suspending multi-lateral talks, cancelling meeting participation, and White House non-participation in the Sochi Paralympics Games, are all under consideration.

This explains a lot as to why American and European foreign policy has been so risible and pathetic. The Russians, Chinese, Israelis, Egyptians, and others, understand that the world is a dangerous place, even deadly, not classroom exercises. Lives are at stake, and the possibility of a catastrophic event is not science fiction. History for these people is long and incredibly serious, and not correlated to today’s bankrupt sensibilities and cultural deprivation.

If you follow the dialogue between Messrs. Putin and Sergey Lavrov on the one side, and Messrs. Obama and Kerry on the other, you would think you went through time and found yourself in March 1999. But, it would be confusing. Then it was Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright, playing the parts of Putin and Lavrov defending NATO’s duty to go to war in Kosovo, and Boris Yel’tsin and Igor Ivanov searching for a peaceful solution. It’s true, where you sit is where you stand.

Bill Clinton and Madeleine Albright lied about the “atrocities” being committed in Kosovo leading up to the war in March 1999. What was going on in Kosovo in 1999 was a military campaigned waged by the Kosovo Liberation Army (“KLA”), to separate Kosovo from Serbia, and eventually creating a greater Albania, made up of Albania, Kosovo, northern Macedonia, and the Preševo Valley in Serbia. The so-called humanitarian disaster in Kosovo was orchestrated by the KLA, not Serbia. Mr. Clinton’s statement to the nation, read: “We act to protect thousands of innocent people,” while Madeleine Albright chirped endlessly about atrocities being committed by the Serbs. It was all lies. The real perpetrator was the KLA, Mr. Clinton’s and Madame Albright’s “freedom fighters.”

Moreover, the KLA took advantage of the Holbrooke Agreement (Rambouillet) in October 1998, in which Serbia removed their forces from Kosovo, to conduct their bloody military campaign. This was never made public. There were very few incidents of Albanian civilians being attacked by Serbian forces (see OSCE reports of monitoring groups). Total Albanian civilians killed before the war started in March 1999, was at most, 47. So the rai·son d'être for NATO to go to war was false.

Today we know we were being told more lies by the Obama Administration and European Union (“EU”).  On February 18, protesters attack police lines and set fires outside parliament. Riot police respond to the violence by trying to push protesters off Independence Square. At least 26 people died and hundreds were injured. On February 20, hours after a truce is announced, violence resumes, with snipers shooting protesters from the rooftops. All the western media and government officials reported that the snipers were under orders from the Ukrainian Government of President Viktor Yanukovych.
Not so fast. First reported on, March 5, 2014, a new recording of a telephone conversation between EU foreign affairs head Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign minister Urmas Paet, revealed this socking and disturbing news: In the conversation, Mr. Paet states that:
“the killing were from both sides, policemen and people from the street… So there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”
The upshot is: first the United States orchestrates and foments the overthrow of the legally elected Yanukovych government, because the West did not like his decision on the EU; and now we learn the leaders of the newly installed Coalition Government, were the ones who ordered the killings in the Maidan Square in Kiev, the capital city of the Ukraine.
A Coalition Government that came to power with US and EU support, which murdered its own people to fabricate the pretext under which it took power. Does this despicable act remind you of anything? That’s right, Kosovo.
The Coalition was running the KLA playbook, and the US and EU was laying down cover. But this time their hand is weak. NATO is a shell of its former self, and Russia is not Serbia. As a result, the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are now for all intents and purposes part of Russia.
And finally, Mr. Obama now tells us that what Russia is doing violates international law. He lectures:
“There is a strong belief that Russia’s action is violating international law. I know President Putin seems to have a different set of lawyers making a different set of interpretations, but I don’t think that’s fooling anybody.”
Well Mr. Obama, Mr. Putin must have hired the same lawyers Bill Clinton and Tony Blair had to justify NATO’s war in Serbia (Kosovo). Then the Russian’s argued that the Kosovo War and recognition of Kosovo’s independence was a violation of international law, a UN Resolution, the UN Charter, and the principle of national sovereignty forged out of the horror of World War II. So Mr. Obama, the only one fooling anybody is you, your Administration, and the Brussels bureaucrats. Kosovo was folly, and until you correct that mistake, it is disingenuous to tell others they are acting badly.
Mr. Obama and company has another foreign policy failure on their hands. A word to the people of the Ukraine -- do you really think a man like Mr. Obama, who would not save his own Ambassador in Benghazi, Libya against a band of terrorists, would come to your rescue?
Still, there is always plan X.

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