Saturday, March 25, 2017


A primary difference between Republicans and Democrats is integrity. The Republicans have it, and the Democrats do not.

Yet, the Republican controlled House of Representatives, could not bring their signature healthcare legislation, The American Health Care Act, aka Ryancare, to a vote yesterday (March 24, 2017), because they lacked the number of votes to pass it. Some say it was an embarrassment for the Party. Some say it was lack of leadership. Some say it was that Republicans really didn’t want to repeal Obamacare. It was none of these. It was tergiversation that failed to address the reasons why the voters gave Republicans a historic landslide victory in the 2016 Election.

It was the American Middle Class who put Donald J. Trump in the White House and Republicans in charge of both houses of Congress. Moreover, beginning in January 2017, Republicans control two-thirds of the state legislative chambers, an all-time high. The GOP controls both legislative chambers in 32 states, another all-time high; the same is true for Democrats in just 13 states. Republicans will hold 33 governorships for the first time in 94 years. And, 25 states have a Republican 'trifecta' with control of the executive branch and both legislative chambers.[1]

Only the delusional would believe that the 2016 Election results are something other than a mandate for change. The Election was a total repudiation of the Obama / Clinton political agenda, and by extension, the Democratic Party, for the past eight years. It sent many messages, but the sine qua non of the election was to restore the viability of Middle Class Americans, which had been utterly ruined by the last 24 years of Progressive Democrats and RINO Republicans.

Americans voted to have Obamacare repealed in its entirety. They did not vote to have the same “pig” in another dress. In other words, “you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig!”

Obama Care was never about providing “affordable healthcare.” It had two purposes: one, to destroy the current healthcare system in the United States, and replace it with a single payer / single provider system such as Canada and Great Britain, et al; and two, to further Obama’s Rawlsian pursuit of social justice, by destroying Middle Class America, by transferring their wealth to those who do not contribute to our society.

Ryancare was never about the healthcare reform promised. It was mala fide. It was, in a word, insulting. Americans expected real change, but what was proposed in Ryancare was capitulation to Special Interests such as Insurance Companies, Pharmaceutical Companies, HealthCare Companies, et al.

Health care reform is not hard if you put the American people before the Special Interests. Here’s what needs to be done:

1. Obama Care must be repealed in its entirety! 
2. Protect the middle class.
3. Immediately allow competition for health insurance across state lines, which will lower premiums and deductibles.
4. Immediately remove “benefit mandates,” which will lower premiums and deductibles.
5. Immediately allow any adult to purchase the policy and coverage of their choice, which will lower premiums and deductibles.
6. Protect “preexisting conditions” for only those who were previously covered for the condition under a previous insurance policy. These people should not be denied the health insurance of their choice. Hence, portability! But note, people who have put off having insurance until they contract an illness, will not qualify for coverage for a “preexisting condition,” and will have to pay what the market will bear.
7. No subsidies! No direct payments to insurance companies.
8. All insurers must offer policies for catastrophic insurance.

What ever maybe the future political intentions of speaker Ryan and Republicans in Congress, they will not get there by supporting Special Interests at the expense of the people who elected them.

[1] Source: the Atlantic, “How the GOP's Sweep in the States Will Shape America's Schools,” by Laura McKenna, November 21, 2016.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

“Trump Towergate”

Do you remember (rhetorical) when then President William Jefferson Clinton said in his defense in the Lewinsky investigation: “It depends upon what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

Well, it may be true that the Obama White House did not “order” the wiretapping of telephones and possibly other eavesdropping devices of the Trump presidential campaign, because Obama presumably did not have the authority[1] to do so, but Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, and FBI Director, James Comey, do.

Ordered NO – Requested, Demanded, Avered YES!

According to,[2]the key factual allegations at issue are: that the DOJ approached the FISA court for permission to spy on Trump aides; that surveillance, once granted, continued after no evidence was found of wrongdoing; that the Obama administration relaxed National Security Agency rules to facilitate the dissemination of evidence through the government; and that Obama staffers allegedly did so, the better to leak damaging (and partial) information to the media.”

On the one hand, it is my view that if the allegations of wiretapping are true, and at this point, given all this smoke, it would appear they are, then this is more serious and a greater crime than Watergate. Clandestine operatives, some of whom were not government employees, conducted Watergate. On the other hand, the Trump wiretapping, aka “Trump Towergate,” was authorized and conducted by agencies of the Federal Government such as DOJ, FBI, and NSA. In this case, the Obama Administration appears to have misused government power to spy on their political opponent in the 2016 Presidential Election. And make no mistake that is serious.

There is precedent for this corrupt action. The fact that Fox News correspondent James Rosen was wiretapped in 2103 when the DOJ was investigating government leaks, is a priori evidence that such conduct is congruent with the Obama Administration. The Associated Press was also wiretapped in relation to the same investigation.

In the meantime, WHO IS CARTER PAGE? Is he the red herring the Obama Administration used to justify their bogus claim of a Russian connection with the Trump campaign, and secure the FISA (The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) warrant wiretapping Donald Trump’s presidential campaign?

Like Watergate – there will be more to come out. But on this occasion, you wouldn’t read about it, and you wouldn’t hear about it, in the Mainstream Media.

[1] Chapter 36 of Title 50 of the US Code *War and National Defense", Subchapter 1, Section 1802