Saturday, March 26, 2016

Brussels: Fighting Islamic Terrorism

‘the first obligation of the tolerant man
is to be intolerant to intolerance.’
George Santayana

Some terrorism experts will say ‘any successful counter to terrorism can’t be carried out by security forces.’ It must be carried out by intelligence services. Or we just have to accept it. I do not agree.

The problems and important questions are many, the following are some:

1. The problem is that terrorism, by its nature, gives out limited signals -- it can be carried out by very few people.

2. How do you find the terrorists? To the extent they can be found, it requires an intrusion into society.

3. Some would say, profiling doesn’t work. Well, I disagree. Here’s a personnel example. In 1997, coming out of Bosnia where I was working and returning to the United States, with a connection through Zurich, Switzerland -- I was profiled! The fact that I was coming out of the Balkans brought greater than normal scrutiny. I was taken to a second security official and asked a number of questions. Once the agent was satisfied, I was allowed to board the aircraft (Delta). I did not have a problem with this. In fact, I was pleased that the Swiss authorities were doing their due diligence to ensure my safety and the safety of the other passengers. I believe Americans do not have a problem with intrusion into their privacy – if it is reasonable to do so. That means profiling and other strategies. It does not mean random security checks. An intelligent watchful society doesn't do random. 

4. What would work best is inside intelligence. But, that is exceptionally difficult -- but not impossible. Ask the Israelis. What would also need to be in place is a network of outside intelligence, i.e., the Islamic Community and others who interact with it.

5. Finally, if you can’t name the enemy, than you can’t defeat the enemy. I would proffer, that the next Conservative Republican President request from Congress a declaration of war on ISIS and Islamic terrorism both foreign and domestic. A declaration of war will provide the legal defense for what needs to be done. However, I would never suggest that we give Mr. Obama or Mrs. Clinton this authority!

While the fight against Islamic Terrorism both foreign and domestic is complex, it is not unwinnable. The problem under the Bush and Obama Administrations is that we do not try to win. 

What has not been done (especially under the Obama Administration) is the destruction of Islamic Terrorist where they live (Iraq, Syria, Libya). Not 15 sorties a day, but massive air attacks with troop deployment as needed. The mission must be the total destruction of the “terrorist’s state” and Islamic terrorism everywhere we find it in the free world. There will be blood, and some of it will be innocent, but there is innocent civilian blood being spilled now.

It should also be noted, that success will require intelligent diplomatic solutions in the aftermath. This is again where the Bush and Obama Administration have failed horribly. The invasion and subsequent “surge” in Iraq were military victories, but the mission failed because the diplomatic aftermath was naïve and foolish. There were and are solutions, for example: ( 

After the enemy (yes, this is a war) is destroyed, the remaining imbedded terrorist can be dealt (with). This will require a different strategy, but it is doable. We have the technology and ability -- we haven’t had the will. 

Americans and free people all over the world have a right to expect their elected representatives will protect them.