Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015: The Banality of Leadership

1992 is not a year on which I shall look back with undiluted pleasure ... it has turned out to be an Annus Horribilis.”

                                                         Elizabeth II, Her Majesty the Queen,
speech in London, on November 24, 1992, 
to mark the 40th anniversary of her Accession 
as Queen of England and the Commonwealth.

Her Majesty’s reflections are also an apt description of 2015. The phrase, Annus Horribilis, in the parlance of our time, means a disastrous or unfortunate year. 

‘What the hell is going on out there?’

If you don’t understand it by now, then you are either a parasite or a moron.

Judeo – Christian societies, the foundation of Western Civilization, are lead by feckless leaders, in a banality of leadership. Failed policies and outrageous lies define, by and large, the leadership of our world today. Most prominent are the United States of America (Mr. Obama), Germany (Mrs. Merkel), England (Mr. Cameron), France (Mr. Holland), and the supercilious imperious bureaucrats of the European Union (Messieurs Junker and van Rompuy, et al.).

All seem to engage in expiation and demonstration of an obscene political correctness, in which the enshrinement of social injustice is only the most egregious example. Yet, it should be fully understood, that the liberal secular political agenda is not altruistic, but rather an arrogant, selfish, narcissistic, gambit for power.

Still, it should also be clear, 2015 was not a horrible year for all nations. For the autocratic leaders of Russia (Mr. Putin) and China (Mr. Xi Jinping), 2015 is a year to celebrate. Both nations have successfully expanded their borders without so much as a genuine threat from the world’s democratic leadership. Certainly, one leader preens and prattles on endlessly, but the world has taken measure of the man, and has concluded, for good reason, there is nothing there.

For theocrats, 2015 was an extraordinary year. Iran (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Mr. Hassan Rouhani) and the Islamic State of the Levant, aka ISIS (Abu Bakr al – Baghdadi), are succeeding in their quest to dominate the western world and establish an Islamic caliphate. Messieurs Obama and Kerry, the Democrats and Establishment Republicans in Congress, the United Nations, and et al. have given Iran the means for a Shia theocracy in the Middle East. Continuation of this path, the Middle East will generate not just in a regional conflict, but also an apocalyptic world on fire.

These men and women are “neroisticly” fiddling with the viability of western civilization. The Ten Commandments, Greco – Roman Civilization, the Sermon on the Mount, the Magna Carta, the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment, are under assault by a 7th Century fictional cult dedicated to world conquest by the sword.

Some otherwise intelligent people will defend the indefensible, and excuse the corruption and deceit, in their allegiance to a principle(s). Who knows how far and where their mindless devotion will take them? The path to National Socialism is paved with good intentions.

Are we about to ask ourselves again, how could this happen? How could the leadership of the western civilization allow themselves to destroy their own societies?

The answer may be found in an abundance of greed and arrogance, and a paucity of religious conviction. The liberal secular state will be the downfall of western civilization. In good times mediocre conceited leadership is benign, but in bad times, like today, it is disastrous.

Indeed, 2015 was a horrible year.